Why You Should Always Carry More Than One Disc Golf Putter

Friday, November 20, 2020
| Disc Golf 101
|  Author: Todd Harrell

As you build your ideal disc golf bag with all the Innova disc golf discs you’ll need on the course, there are decisions you have to make. Some players like to keep it simple and carry just the most essential brand-specific discs (such as all Innova discs) in their lineup. Other disc golfers like to carry as many disc molds that they can fit in their bag or cart—from understable drivers to overstable putters, they have one for every conceivable type of shot they may be faced with during the round.

Whether you are a minimalist or you are someone who wants to carry as many discs as possible, you need to make space for multiple putters. It’s always a good idea to carry multiple putters, including multiples of your primary disc golf putter mold that you depend on for short shots at the basket. In addition, you may carry different types of putter molds to use for certain other shots while on the disc golf course. We’re talking upshots, full putter drives, forehand approaches, heavy winds and other situations where you may prefer something other than your main putting putter. For example, Innova has a variety of different Aviar molds and plastics that can give you maximum versatility. You may prefer an Aviar3 for tee shots, an AviarX3 for touch upshots and a KC Pro Aviar for your short putts.

Let’s look at a few reasons to consider bagging multiple putters:

Backup Disc Golf Discs

What happens when your favorite putt and approach disc gets lost in a lake or rolls away down into the thick woods, never to be seen again? What if your primary disc golf putter becomes damaged or the plastic is cracked after hitting a tree? It’s good to have a backup or two in the bag, just in case something happens to your main putter.

Rotating Putters

You will often see professional disc golfers carrying several identical putters (same color, weight, plastic, etc.) during a practice round and using them in a steady rotation. This is done so they are beat in evenly by the basket and then can be used later as backups. They may keep 2-3 in the bag during a tournament round. They’ll know their favorite one and will use it primarily, but then have another in there as a backup. However, they have already beat in the backup putter to provide a similar flight and release as their primary weapon, so it’s an easier transition if they lose the main one and have to move onto one of their backups. This is one good tip that will help you become  a better putter, in addition to improving your form and practice strategy.

Pro Tip: How to Find Identical Putters

In most cases, Innova will mold and stamp discs grouped by similar flight plate colors and stamps. Purchasing from a retailer like DGU with a  ties to specific manufacturer increases your chances of receiving identical discs. Place your order with multiple discs from any given mold. Then, just make a note that you are looking for matching putters (or drivers—whatever disc you are buying) and you will have a good chance of getting multiple discs from the same run that are basically identical!

Different Flight Characteristics

We all know that the flight characteristics of disc golf discs will change over time. All the nicks, scratches, scuffs, plastic warps and battle scars affect how the disc flies, and this is especially true with putting putters that are generally made from softer plastics. You may have two identical discs that have beat in differently over the months (or years), so they fly somewhat differently. You may bag both to use for certain shots. Maybe one disc golf putter with a lot of turn and glide is better for floaty anhyzer push putts while the other is still good for straight-to-hyzer spin putts. Some players will go back and forth between spin putt and push putt styles, and different discs may work better for those different throwing mechanics. You may want a more overstable disc golf disc for windy days. If the time comes when your putters are beat in to a point where you don’t like how they fly anymore, even with a consistent release, then maybe it’s time to replace them and start beating in new ones.

Different Disc Golf Discs for Different Shots

Beyond just having two “identical” putters that are beat in differently, you may opt to carry multiple types of putters that you will lean on for certain situations. Between all the different plastic and mold options out there, most putters will offer something unique that you may prefer for various shots you may face during your round. This is where practice comes in as you can see which discs or plastics you like best for specific shot shapes or styles. You might find an Innova Pig or a Rhyno best for touchy forehand upshots or when it’s really windy. From Innova, you may prefer a Big Bead Aviar or XT Nova for full power throws off the tee when you need the disc to glide straight down a 250’ tunnel. An Innova JK Pro Aviar might be your primary putting putter, while you lean on something with a lower profile like a Dart for jump putts outside of circle 2. You’ll find through practice that some putters work better for creative shots like flick rollers, straddle putts, turbo putts or overhand scoobers and hammers.

If you are content carrying one and only disc golf putter in your bag, that is perfectly fine. You do you. That’s one of the things that makes disc golf so fun. We all have different styles and approaches to the game and how we build our bags. For most players, however, it is a good idea to carry multiple putters in different plastics that can be utilized as backups or for different shots on the course and around the basket.

Get out there with your disc golf putters and do some field work in addition to your standard putting practice in circle 1 and circle 2. Try different disc golf shots and disc golf discs. See what works best for you, so you can build your ideal disc golf bag with the putt and approach disc golf discs you can count on when it matters most.

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